Thursday, July 28, 2011

Aches and Pains

So, I went out last night while the kids were at their church soccer practice and weeded the potato field.  I ache in so many places today.  Ibuprofen is my new best friend.  Some of those weeds were enormous.  A few I had to pull with both hands and almost ended up sitting down.  I met some lovely Colorado potato beetles and sent them off to be with their maker.  I really only got about 3/4 done before soccer was over.  (I had done some in the morning already).  It looks so much better and I am thinking that there is some room to plant a few things in the spaces where nothing came up.  Spinach?  Peas?  Need a cool weather crop this time of year.  Hmmmmm.  I am thinking peas.  I still have quite a lot of seeds.

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