Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Share and Share alike

I have often found in my local gardening adventures that if I offer something I have to share, others will know that I garden and they in turn will offer something I don't have.  Example:  I have a friend with a peach tree.  I have raspberry bushes.  She doesn't can her peaches and always has an abundance.  We share with each other - I give her jars of fresh rapsberry freezer jam and/or fresh berries and she gives me peaches! 

Also, offering a helping hand, whether it is at a community garden or an elderly neighbor's house, sometimes results in a postitive "reward" of garden bounty.  Not that that is the best reason to help, but it's a nice side benefit!  And many times, people find out that you can fruit or tomatoes and when they have an abundance that they don't want to process, they seek you out so you can "take it off their hands."  Anyone had that experience with the zuchini the size of a horses leg?   You can grate and freeze it, you know. 

Happy Gardening!

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