Friday, August 26, 2011

Community Garden Update

The field at the community garden has been producing lots and lots of super yummy things.  We were able to take a couple full bags of green beans to the local food bank, lots of zuchini and squash, tons of beets and greens, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes.  This was my first time to take the food to the bank and drop if off.  Normally, Cheryl handles that aspect.  I am trying to work on having a servant's heart as a theme for this year's homeschool and wanted to teach the kids more about getting involved and helping others directly.  Plus Cheryl had hurt her hand and was unable to do it this week so it worked out.  The kids understood what we were doing.  It was really uncomfortable to go there and drop it off and see all the people standing in line.  Many elderly and quite a few with children.  It really made me grateful for the blessings God has put in our lives.  I recently read that one in six children in America are growing up right now in food insecure households.  Meaning basically, that they aren't sure where their next meal is coming from.  How scary that would be, especially if you had children to care for.  I am glad there are ways for us to get involved in helping those who need it.  I have been researching into different organizations to support, world vision international, the global orphan project...anyone have any good ideas about trustworthy Christian organizations? 

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