Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Return

Well, I am home from beautiful Montana.  Huckleberries were lots of fun to find.  I am preparing for the homeschool start and gathering curriculum from all areas of my home and community.  Found a cool homeschool support group to bounce ideas off.  Putting together a Unit Study for Africa to start things off.  Altogether going fine.  I have been to see the two gardens - my backyard and the community garden.  Both are crazy wild with weeds after only 2 weeks of my neglect, but are starting to produce yummy deliciousness.  I was worried that all my raspberries would be overripe by the time I got home, but it turned out just fine.  They are beautiful, big berries and taste awesome! 

Bad news is that I got sick.  So this weekend was my first opportunity to participate in a gleaning event in my community - and I couldn't go.  Such a bummer.  They were gleaning a field of sweet corn.  Yum!  I guess they had been getting lots of yummies for the food bank!  Maybe they will have another project soon that I can be involved in.  Such an awesome activity and way to help your local hungry folk.  Wish I could do more.  When I think of all that produce just going to waste if it doesn't get gathered by someone it breaks my heart.  I would like to take my oldest son with me.  I really want to cultivate a servant's heart in my children (one of our homeschool goals this year) and this kind of opportunity would really be good for him!  I will have to check and see what ages are invited to participate. 

The main organizer of our church's community garden informed me that my in-ground garden was going wild and we will need a legion to help pick the beans.  So cool!  I have three young grasshoppers with too much energy anyway!  And I can authorize them to be in my field.  We have beens, pumpkins, cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, beets (TONS of beets), some kind of pepper, and some mystery plants that I can't remember what they are - I was just having too much fun sticking stuff in the ground.  I think they may be brussel sprouts, but I am not sure - never grown them before.  A few stalks of the original cornfield did come up, so they are also scattered about.  What a conglomeration!  But I am very glad that I stuck those seeds in the ground or else nothing but the corn would be there for harvesting now and instead we have a variety of fresh produce to donate and use within our church family, too!   God's creation is truly amazing. 

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